FC Wisconsin Nationals and FC Wisconsin Eclipse Open Season with Home Stand

On Saturday, September 21st, and Sunday September 22nd FC Wisconsin Nationals and FC Wisconsin Eclipse open their home competition schedules for the US Soccer Development Academy (USSDA) and the Elite Clubs National League (ECNL).
We would like to invite (and encourage) the entire FC Wisconsin Family, as well as the soccer community at-large, to come out and cheer on Wisconsin’s only USSDA and ECNL teams as they compete in the highest level youth soccer leagues in the United States. The opportunity to see youth soccer played at a very high level is not only entertaining, but can be extremely educational and inspiring to the younger generation of up-and-coming soccer players!
The US Soccer Development Academy is a partnership between US Soccer and the top boys clubs in the country to provide the best players in the U.S. with a daily environment designed to produce the next generation of Men’s National Team players. Development Academy’s programming is based on increased training, fewer but significantly more competitive games, and innovative coaching. FC Wisconsin is proud to be the only club in Wisconsin that is sanctioned to have teams competing in the USSDA, with U14, U16, and U18 boy’s squads.
On the girl’s side, the Elite Clubs National League is a developmental platform for the best girls youth clubs in the country to provide better competition, development, and identification for the country’s top female youth players. The goal of the Elite Clubs National League (ECNL) is to change the landscape for elite female soccer players in the United States through innovative, player-centered programming and to enhance the overall player experience by creating a better and more successful player, coach, and club development model. Philosophically similar to the USSDA, ECNL programming is also based on increased training, fewer but significantly more competitive games and innovative coaching.
This weekend’s USSDA schedule includes the following matches:
Saturday, Sept. 21 -- 5:00pm FC Wisconsin USSDA U18 v. Chicago Sockers FC
Saturday, Sept. 21 -- 7:00pm FC Wisconsin USSDA U16 v. Chicago Sockers FC
Sunday, Sept. 22 -- 3:30pm FC Wisconsin USSDA U14 v. Chicago Sockers FC
This weekend’s ECNL schedule includes the following matches:
Saturday, Sept. 21 – 8.00am FC Wisconsin Eclipse U13 (JR ECNL Game)
Saturday, Sept. 21 – 9.00am FC Wisconsin Eclipse U14 vs Vardar
Saturday, Sept. 21 – 10.45am FC Wisconsin Eclipse U15 vs Vardar
Saturday, Sept. 21 – 12.30pm FC Wisconsin Eclipse U16 vs Vardar
Saturday, Sept. 21 – 7.00pm FC Wisconsin Eclipse U13 (JR ECNL Game)
Sunday, Sept. 22nd – 9.30am FC Wisconsin Eclipse U15 vs Mich Hawks
Sunday, Sept. 22nd – 11.00am FC Wisconsin Eclipse U16 vs Mich Hawks
Sunday, Sept. 22nd – 12.45pm FC Wisconsin Eclipse U17 vs Mich Hawks
Sunday, Sept. 22nd – 2.30pm FC Wisconsin Eclipse U18 vs Mich Hawks
*All games will be played at the FC Wisconsin Soccer Fields in Germantown – Hwy 145 (Fond Du Lac Ave) between County Line Rd. & Donges Bay Rd.
We encourage everyone to come out and enjoy some great soccer – we look forward to seeing a loud and supportive crowd this weekend!
For more information on the U.S. Soccer Development Academy: http://www.ussoccer.com/teams/development-academy/faqs.aspx
For a complete U.S. Soccer Development Academy schedule: http://ussda.demosphere.com/schedules/index_E.html
For a complete ECNL schedule: